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WinTax Pro licenses are single user licenses. They are not to be distributed for use by other people.
•License is activated thru an internet connection using a 9-character registration ID (ex. ABCD-FRTY) that is issued to you. Use the 'Register' function on the tool bar of the WinTax Pro main screen to activate your license.
•The license expiration date is displayed on the 'Logon' screen and the 'Register' function on the tool bar of the WinTax Pro main screen
•Yes, the name can be changed on the 'Company Setup' screen..
•Yes, within 30 days of your license expiration, you will be warned every time you use WinTax Pro.
•You can still access the pays you have processed but you will not be able to create new pays with pay dates after the license expiration date. You can still download all software updates to allow you to print T4's at year-end.